Lesbian Information Service ran from 1987 to 1998. It was set up and run by Jan Bridget and Sandra Lucille. Activities included:
- developing a unique training programme which looked at Homophobia Awareness from a Multi-Oppression Perspective and provided training to hundreds of service providers (youth, mental health, health, alcohol, social work, education, housing, clergy, police, voluntary organisations)
- developing publications to back-up its work in helping service providers, researchers and individuals
- developing one of the best research libraries in Britain on lesbian and gay health and social issues (especially lesbian and gay youth, alcohol, mental health)
- conducting research around young lesbians and gays, alcohol, lesbians and housing supporting hundreds of lesbians, in particular young lesbians and lesbians who were coming out
- providing information and support to hundreds of service providers (youth, mental health, health, education, social services, counselling and advice), researchers and journalists.
Lesbian Information Service ceased to provide services in 1998 but this website is testimony to the work achieved over the period it existed.
The significant research library and archive is now available at Lancashire Records Office, Bow Lane in Preston.
Lancashire Archives 01772 536795
Jan went on to set up and run GALYIC (Gay and Lesbian Youth in Calderdale, 1999-2011) as well as developing further on-line resources for the Department of Health which can be accessed here.